
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What does it take????

I am really wondering if I have what it takes to turn my whole lifestyle around..... I noted below that I am taking 3 steps forward and 1 step back and that overall my momentum is forward....

But, I'm just not sure I am entirely happy with that. I just want to be moving forward but I think it is a whole lot more than just this exercise/food/weight loss thing going on in my life. It's family, it's study, it's career, it's spiritual - the fact is, I need to work on every aspect of my life at the moment to help address the emotions - which will in turn address the need to eat to make myself feel better.

The emotional eating is something I confront every day and most days win against - not so much when I was around my family for 3 days over Christmas but we all did manage to get through it without a domestic - so that's a bonus!! At the moment I am using PepsiMAX to compensate for the desire to eat when feeling stressed, upset, crazy, hormonal, bored - you name it, I'll eat for it! So in essence - I am still avoiding confronting the emotion.

Half the problem is - I don't know where to start. But I figure I've just got to start somewhere.

SO!!! Back to the question - what does it take? Where is it that I have been successful in dropping the weight:

1. Planning and making back up plans and sticking to them. - I do need some flexibility in my life, in terms of timing etc but I have found things have gone most smoothly when I have plans in place and back up plans for those days I know are going to be a bit out of the ordinairy.

2. Exercising most days and having at least one big session a week.

3. Watching my calorie intake like a hawk!!!! Being honest about what I am eating and the amount I am eating - first and foremost.

4. Loving myself. I've noticed when I am down on myself it just doesn't work. I need to accept and love myself for the person I am right now and just get on with it.

It takes a lot of hard work - physically, emotionally, mentally and I need to persevere until it becomes second nature. - Just like brushing my teeth......

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